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Module Four – 3-min micro stretch
Duration – 3-minutes
Description: This quick warm up prepares your body for the skills you’re going to develop during this module. Compete before each lesson or when you want to gently condition and stretch your body.
Module Four – Lesson 16
Duration – 13-minutes
Description: In Lesson 16, we delve into the theory behind wrist grabs, emphasising the importance of a realistic approach and avoiding complacency. You’ll learn that no single technique is foolproof, so we’ll introduce drills to help you develop a Plan B, C, and D. This ensures you’re always prepared and never freeze in the moment.
Module Four – Lesson 17
Duration – 11-minutes
Description: In Lesson 17, we tackle the frightening scenario of an attacker using your hair as a point of control. You’ll learn effective techniques to break free from hair grabs, whether the attack comes from the front or rear, ensuring you can quickly regain control.
Module Four – Lesson 18
Duration – 12-minutes
Description: In Lesson 18, you’ll learn how to handle the dangerous scenario of being shoved against a wall, strangled, or punched. We’ll also revisit the importance of trusting your intuition, helping you recognise and respond to potential threats—even when they come from someone who may initially seem like a friendly stranger.
Module Four – Lesson 19
Duration – 16-minutes
Description: In Lesson 19, we address one of the most immobilising scenarios: being bearhugged from the front or rear with your arms trapped, leaving you feeling helpless. You’ll learn a simple, instinctive technique to break free and regain control in this challenging situation.
Module Four – Lesson 20 (End of Module Review)
Duration – 13-minutes
Description: In Lesson 20, our final lesson, you’ll bring together all the close-quarter techniques into one powerful sequence, allowing you to practice them all in under 30 seconds. Having an instinctive go-to response for scenarios like hair grabs, wall shoves, or bearhugs is invaluable, giving you the confidence and readiness to handle any situation.
Module Four – Blaster Videos
Module Four – Solo Drills
Duration – 15-minutes
Description: In our final Solo Drill, you’ll practice every close-combat technique to solidify an instinctive catalogue of go-to skills. This ensures you’re prepared to react effectively if someone grabs or closes in on you.
Module Four – Visualisation & Assessment
Module Four – Visualisation
Duration – 7-minutes
Description: Our final visualisation focuses on one of the worst and most common attacks women face: being grabbed from behind. When combined with physical practice, this exercise helps ingrain an instinctive and effective response, equipping you to handle this frightening scenario with grit determination.
Module Four – Sequence Assessment
Duration – 4-minutes
Description: We’ve saved the most challenging sequence—Sequence 4—for last. Mastering this will provide you with the highest level of protection. Compare your performance to the three benchmark versions to identify areas for improvement and sharpen your skills, ensuring you become even more effective and confident.