Frequently Asked Questions

‘The person who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the person who does not ask is a fool for life’ – Confucius (479 BC)

Bushido Bitesize – Threat Resolution (FAQs)

What kind of threats are covered on the course?

we address a wide spectrum of the most prevalent modern threats that affect us all, irrespective of gender. Key areas include:

  • Cybersecurity: We delve into strategies to safeguard your personal information and finances from hackers. Our techniques focus on minimizing the risk of being hacked or scammed, an increasingly common concern in our digital age.
  • Physical Safety: The course covers a range of physical threats common to both men and women, with additional specialized content for women. This includes strategies to counteract sexual harassment and assault, with practical techniques for women to escape from typical grabs and attacks by assailants.
  • Drink Spiking Awareness: Recognizing the rising incidents of drink spiking, we offer practical tactics to reduce the risk and exposure to this threat, empowering you with knowledge and preventive measures.

We continually update our course content to include emerging threats. If our users identify a specific threat that we haven’t covered, we encourage them to reach out to us. Part of our commitment is to stay informed and responsive through our scam watch process, ensuring our course content remains relevant and comprehensive.

Can I really learn to defend myself with less than 15-minutes each day?

Many experts are discovering the power of micro learning in today’s fast-paced and distracted environment. A short focused burst of learning is proven to be more effective than longer sessions. In terms of self-defence, you get to focus on one technique each day, but by the end of each week it adds up to a very effective skill. The 3 lessons are free to try, so you can really see the full potential of this new type of self defence training.

At the end of each module there is a review lesson with a sequence drill that reviews all the techniques covered from the previous four lessons. There is even an option to embed these skills further to muscle memory with a visualisation meditation (mental rehearsal) and you can read about the benefits of meditation here. Even the review sessions in modules five and six recap the techniques from the other modules, so your level of repetition on all techniques over the 30 days are very high. This is the key to making these self-defence instinctive and a life skill.

Don’t I need a training partner for the physical training?

All lessons have been designed for solo training. However, at the end of each module there is a ‘visualisation & drills’ lesson that helps you review and embed the past 5 lesson.

There are several drills you can choose from, including a partner drill where we show you how to use every day equipment to do partner drills. There is also a short video drill on using a punch bag, and even how to drill in your kitchen whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. The key to making the physical skill instinctive is to make the drills part of your weekly or monthly routines. 

Can I do more than one lesson a day?

The course is set up in drip mode, so you remain focused on the physical, tactical and mindset skills you learn for that day. Having access to all the lesson at once encourages people to rush through the course. M-TR is about achieving a high degree of technical perfection, so you can react quickly and powerfully against a much larger attacker. Rushing through the course or skipping over lessons will reduce your capability. If you are keen to do more training after your micro lesson then we recommend you review the previous lessons, especially the review lessons, and really drill the sequences into your muscle memory. Your level of skill will progress rapidly, especially if you use the visualisation meditations.

What age is Bushido Bitesize - Threat Resolution recommended for?

We recommend the content is appropriate for 13 years and above. Parents are able to use the trial content to decide if it is appropriate for their teenager. As the course is about teaching people to avoid threats, and to deal effectively with a violent attacker, there is no softer way to present the skills needed to avoid becoming a victim of violent attack.

What happens after the 30-days?

You have life-time access to the course to review and refresh your physical, tactical and mindset skills. Each module has a ‘visualisation & drills’ lesson to quickly review skills within your weekly and monthly routine. 

It is hard to predict how long it takes before something becomes instinctive, it depends a lot on the person and the amount of repitition they do, also using the visualisation tools regularly is going to embed skills to muscle memory more quickly. 

During the 30 days you will receive notifications to complete the next lesson. After 30-days you will receive the monthly newsletter packed with tips and reminders to keep your new skills up to date. 

There is also options to embark on the next course, like Bushido Body Blast.

How do I enter the competition?

Once you complete module one, use your mobile phone to take a short video (less than 20 seconds) performing review sequence one. E-mail your video to with the title ‘competition.’ Once you complete all six modules, take a short video of your four favourite review sequences and send them on 4 separate e-mails to the same e-mail address. The winner will be judged on overall technical skills and progress, judged from comparing your first effort with you final four efforts.

Lets think of another question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros. Quisque aliquet velit sit amet sem interdum faucibus. In feugiat aliquet mollis. Etiam tincidunt ligula ut hendrerit semper. Quisque luctus lectus non turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet, pharetra non ex. Fusce vel egestas nisl.

Quisque aliquet velit sit amet?

Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.

Fortress Masterclass (FAQs)

Can I really learn to defend myself in 90-minutes?

Yes, in 90-minutes you will learn how to make yourself a fortress, keeping good distance from your attacker and weaponising your elbows if they breach your fortress zone. You will also learn to say the right things, the things that make you exude confidence and plant seeds of doubt in your attackers mind. You will also start to develop a habit of better situational awareness. You’ll be surprised what you come away with in 90-minutes.

Will I forget these skills after a few weeks?

Like all skills, if you don’t practice them on a reasonably regular basis, they will no longer be part of your muscle memory, or subconscious programming. All Fortress masterclasses and Mu-shin Fitness programmes come with online videos and visualisations meditations so you can review at your own leisure. Once you complete a Fortress masterclass you have lifetime access to the online resources, and monthly newsletter provides useful tips and a gentle reminder to review your skills.

How often should I review the online resources?

At least once a month complete the video and visualisation meditation. Though to really ensure these skills become instinctive combine the practice of them with other daily or weekly routines, like going to the gym, or before you go for a run, as you warm up, go through the footwork and elbow sequence. As a lifetime Fortress member, we will send you a monthly newsletter that includes a reminder to practice your newly aquired skills! You might even enjoy this practice so much you sign up for the Mu-shin Fitness programme.

Is it just one masterclass?

Fortress 90-minutes is just one masterclass, plus a 20-minute online review video and 15-minute visualisation meditation. Fortress 3 Fast-track is two 1.5-hour masterclasses set a week apart. Fortress 5- Fast-track is the same plus a third 2-hour masterclass designed to refine your skills even further and cover a greater range of attack scenarios. If you start with Fortress 90-minutes you can always update your skills to F3F by completing an additional 1.5 hour masterclass later on, then an additional 2-hour masterclass to complete F5F

Do I need to be fit to do the workshop?

No. However, we do cover a lot in 90-minutes, though not all physical practice. Unfortunately, if you have a back problem then it’s not advised to participate in a masterclass, as hip rotation is a key part of generating power into techniques and could further aggravate a back issue. 

Will I need any equipment?

All the equipment is provided at the masterclass, and you also receive a ‘practice at home pack.’ During the masterclass and online videos you are shown how to use this pack so you can really sharpen your skills, so they are primed and ready if the worst happens.

If I use these skills can I get in trouble with the law?

No, as long as you are defending yourself with reasonable force. You will learn in the masterclass that the law allows you to strike first if someone moves aggressively towards you and you felt your life in danger. Using an elbow combination that puts your attacker to the ground is perfectly legal, providing once they are incapacitated on the ground you don’t wade in with further strikes. Using these skills in a heated argument because someone has cut you up whilst driving (unless they aggressively move towards you first) could land you in trouble with the law. The core philosophy of Mu-shin Self-Defence is to get home safely to your loved ones. This can be difficult if you’ve attacked someone because you lost control of your ego and the law see’s it as GBH and not self-defence.

Will I get hit during the workshop?

There is no sparring and the equipment we use prevents any need for heavy contact. You will use foam tube targets (FTTs) to simulate striking a target, and because of the length of these, it’s all done from a safe distance. You will strike pads to see how much power you are generating. We also practice at ‘PLACE’ speed. This is slow-motion speed to practice targeting and visualisation.

Women’s Self-defence Workshop (FAQs)

Can I really learn to defend myself with less than 12-minutes each day?

Many experts are discovering the power of micro learning in today’s fast-paced and distracted environment. A short focused burst of learning is proven to be more effective than longer sessions. In terms of self-defence, you get to focus on one technique each day, but by the end of each week it adds up to a very effective skill. The first module is free to try, so you can really see the full potential of this new type of self defence training.

At the end of each module there is a review lesson with a sequence drill that reviews all the techniques covered from the previous four lessons. There is even an option to embed these skills further to muscle memory with a visualisation meditation (mental rehearsal) and you can read about the benefits of meditation here. Even the review sessions in modules five and six recap the techniques from the other modules, so your level of repetition on all techniques over the 6-weeks is very high. This is the key to making these self-defence instinctive and a life skill.

Don’t I need a training partner to see if this is effective?

Some of our videos have partner or assistant drills, this is where someone holds up some ‘everyday’ objects to develop focus and distancing, for example, a large cushion used to strike elbows against. If you don’t have anyone to assist or practice with then you can use visualisation or freestanding targets like a punch bag or even a tree branch. Some martial arts have designed special sequence of moves (kata) where you have to imagine your attacker. It’s great for practicing the movement of a combination of technqiues. Fortunately we also provide visualisation meditations, which are a form of mental rehearsal.

Can I do more than one lesson a day?

The course is set up in drip mode, so you remain focused on one self defence skill each day. Having access to all the lesson at once encourages people to rush through the course. Bushido Bitesize is about achieving a high degree of technical perfection, so you can react quickly and powerfully against a much larger attacker. Rushing through the course or skipping over lessons will reduce your capability. If you are keen to do more training after your micro lesson then we recommend you review the previous lessons, especially the review lessons, and really drill the sequences into your muscle memory. Your level of skill will progress rapidly, especially if you use the visualisation meditations. 

What age is bushido bitesize recommended for?

We recommend the content is appropriate for 13 years and above. Parents are able to use the trial content to decide if it is appropriate for their child. As the course is about teaching people to avoid danger and violence, and to deal effectively with a violent attacker, there is no softer way to present the skills needed to avoid becoming a victim of violent attack.

What happens after the 30-days?

You have life-time access to the course to review and refresh your skills at anytime. There is a review folder at the end which contains the sequences from all review lessons. There is also some bonus content that shows how you can combine this training with a quick workout. 

You can also purchase our intermediate course that is an additional 14-modules, covering a more extensive range of attack scenarios, like grab and stab, bear hugs, multiple attacks and attacks on the ground. 

How do I enter the competition?

Once you complete module one, use your mobile phone to take a short video (less than 20 seconds) performing review sequence one. E-mail your video to with the title ‘competition.’ Once you complete all six modules, take a short video of your four favourite review sequences and send them on 4 separate e-mails to the same e-mail address. The winner will be judged on overall technical skills and progress, judged from comparing your first effort with you final four efforts.

Lets think of another question

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros. Quisque aliquet velit sit amet sem interdum faucibus. In feugiat aliquet mollis. Etiam tincidunt ligula ut hendrerit semper. Quisque luctus lectus non turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet, pharetra non ex. Fusce vel egestas nisl.

Quisque aliquet velit sit amet?

Etiam quis blandit erat. Donec laoreet libero non metus volutpat consequat in vel metus. Sed non augue id felis pellentesque congue et vitae tellus. Donec ullamcorper libero nisl, nec blandit dolor tempus feugiat. Aenean neque felis, fringilla nec placerat eget, sollicitudin a sapien. Cras ut auctor elit.

Mu-shin Fitness (FAQs)

Is it just 4 sessions?

No. There are 4 sessions per level, so once you have put level 1 techniques into your muscle memory, it’s time to move to the next level. There are currently 4 levels, but more are on the way.

How long does each level take?

That really depends on you. The post session workout videos are there to help you practice at home, and with the addition of visualisation meditations, you have the opportunity to progress faster, so it’s more than feasible to get through a level in a month.

Is there heavy contact?

This isn’t like some martial arts or boxing where you have to spar, Mu-shin Fitness is a very different approach. During level 1 & 2 you will learn to use your body efficiently to strike powerfully and accurately, but this will only be done into pads. You will also use other specially designed equipment that avoids any direct contact when practicing defence drills.

Are there children's classes?

Mu-shin fitness is a completely new and innovative system of fitness self-defence, the benefits to adults will be clear after just a few sessions. We are currently designing session more appropriate to engaging children, but for now Mu-shin fitness is available for anyone 14 and over.

What are the post sessions videos?

We understand that everyone has busy lives and coming to a session 3-4 times a week is not possible. However, in order for self-defence to actually work, certain techniques need to be embedded into our muscle memory, so they are instinctive. The post session videos, usually 15-20 minutes, are not only a quick cardio workout, but allows us to review and practice our techniques anytime, thus increasing the likelihood our fighting skills become second nature.

Do I need to be fit to do Mu-shin Fitness?

No, Mu-shin Fitness is a programme to build fitness levels, so couch potatoes are welcome! Oh…. and btw as well as getting fit you will gain the skill of protecting you and your loved ones. During the sessions, drills can be done at beginner, intermediate and advanced pace. It’s really important that you take small steps first, as being safe and healthy is at the forefront of our philosophy.

Will I need any equipment?

All the equipment is provided in the session. In the first few sessions we provide gel mits to protect your hands and if you decide to continue with Mu-shin Fitness we recommend you purchase your own pair, either from our shop or other sports suppliers. In level 2 there are some recommended fitness and defence items that are designed to speed up your progress, but not essential. We do not train with boxing gloves since we are not preparing for ring bouts. Gel mitts are great for protecting your hands whilst still being able to see and use your hands correctly, which is essential when learning how to defend yourself on the street

Is Mu-shin a martial art?

Mu-shin Fitness has taken some of the most effective self-defence techniques from martial arts but it has a very different method and approach.

Firstly, if you live in the UK and you are not someone who actively looks for confrontations, then the probability of needing to defend yourself is still quite low (unfortunately a bit higher for young men) so weekly training is about building fitness levels to improve health and well-being, with the added bonus of giving you a skill to protect you and your family, if the unlikely ever happens. One of the greatest benefits of martial arts and self defence is just having that feeling of the confidence, knowing that skill is available to you.

Is 1 session a week enough?

1 session a week will help you progress, and if you also use the post session videos at home, your progression will be even faster. Listening to the visualisation meditations will see even more improvement in technique and reaction speed. All this is available through our membership at no extra charge. We of course want to encourage you to do more than 1 session a week, but it’s all about getting the right work, life, family, fitness balance, that’s why the post session videos are particularly helpful for squeezing in a 15-20 minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout.

We understand that everyone has busy lives and coming to a session 3-4 times a week is not possible. However, in order for self-defence to actually work, certain techniques need to be embedded into our muscle memory, so they are instinctive. The post session videos, usually 15-20 minutes, are not only a quick cardio workout, but allows us to review and practice our techniques anytime, thus increasing the likelihood our fighting skills become second nature.

What are visualisation meditations?

These are powerful additional tools to accelerate your skill level and embed new techniques faster. Many top athletes, musicians and entrepreneurs use visualisation techniques to enhance their performance. Our meditations help you reach a theta brainwave cycle, then guide you to visualise perfect form and technique. If done regularly can have a powerful effect on your development.

Take a look at our article on this topic in our blog section.